Register here for Advisor Hub and bookWindstarOnline

Welcome to Windstar Cruises!  You are taking the first steps to turn on your ability to recommend and sell Windstar successfully.

Step One:  Register for Advisor Hub & Star Specialist

Complete the form on this page and create your password.  Your email address will be your user name.

You will have immediate access to all of the tools, resources and information on Advisor Hub including Travel Advisor Appreciation Fares, promotion details, brochures, Star Specialist Program, how to contact your Sales Manager and more.

Step Two:  Register for bookWindstarOnline

Save time by accessing real time pricing, availability and visibility into your bookings 24/7.  Click the Register for bookWINDSTAR ONLINE link at the bottom of the page.  This request is intended for individual travel advisors.  To sign up to sell Windstar <<click here>>

bookWindstarOnline is a separate registration from Advisor Hub, so please take a moment to read the information at the top before you complete the questions.  In a few days you will receive an email with a confirmation that you are ready to go online with Windstar.

Step Three:  Opt in for Trade Winds

You are automatically opted in for our monthly Travel Advisor newsletter, so you can stay current with all things Windstar Cruises through Trade Winds.

We appreciate your interest and we’re here to support you.  Please email Windstar_Sales@WindstarCruises.com for assistance

Please note that this registration is intended for individual travel advisors.
* = required fields
First Name *
Last Name *
Agency Name *
Agency ID Type *
Agency ID *
Company Website
Company Address *
Country *
State / Province *
City *
Postal Code *
Email Address *
Phone *
User Password (min. 6 chars, one non-alphanumeric) *
Password strength:

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